Jewish Symbols

Tzimtzum (Contraction of Creation)


mixed media on canvass
39" x 39" (99 x 99 cm)

The process of creating the world
was achieved
by the Tzimtzum or contraction
which is likened to the folding in
of G-d’s hand into its palm
to create a “vacant space”
which was then
occupied by heavenly Jerusalem
and the lower & upper Gardens of Eden,
crowned by three letters of yod.
The two menora forms
suggest the seven heavens
and the seven lower worlds.
The nether Jerusalem
is the ellipse on the bottom.

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Parallel Worlds


mixed media on canvass
40" x 40" (102 x 102 cm)

The white square in the middle of the painting
is the junction of three "realities"
 the Foundation Stone of the World,
the Luz or atlas bone of  Ze'er Anpin
and the Brit of Erech Apayim.

The Descent of the Letters


mixed media on canvass
31" x 39" (78 x 98 cm)

From cloud forms which suggest
the hands of the Priestly Blessing

descend various letters into
a pool symbolizing our world.

Within the triangular space are
two words of transposed letters

representing the feminine
and masculine aspects of G-d.

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The Square in the Face

The Square in the Face

mixed media on canvass
40" x 40" (102 x 102 cm)

The alef letter on the top of the abstract face
represents the presence of G-d
and the dark square within a square
on the bottom implies
the luz or atlas bone as well as
the foundation stone in the Holy of Hollies.
The square is the most important form in Judaism.



mixed media on canvass
40" x 40" (102 x 102 cm)

Blessing the coming week,
the colored fingers
represent the four arch angels
covering the thumb symbolizing satan.
The havdalah candle may be seen
as the trunk of the tree of life,
which is a web of infinity
based on three forces-
Faith ( the hebrew letters)
Will (the protruding yellow lines)
and Love (the red circles).

My Prayer

new city 3

mixed media on canvass
30" x 40" (76 x 102 cm)

Alef Moving the Wheels

Alef moving

mixed media on canvass
36" x 48" (91 x 122 cm)

The Three Cubes

3 Cubes
acrylics on canvass
40" x 20" (102 x 51 cm)

The Source of Light

Source of Light

oil on canvass
75" x 55" (190 x 140 cm)

The End is in the Beginning

oil on canvass
54" x 38" (137 x 97 cm)

Angel Movement

Angel Movement
oil on canvass
49" x 35" (124 x 89 cm)

A Vision of Future Jerusalem


oil on canvas
55" x 103" (140 x 260 cm)

A utopian vision of the future city

and Third Temple
seen from the Mount of Olives,
surrounded by the River of Life.
Emerging from its entrance
is the Tree of Life represented
by a DNA helix molecule.

All of the above works were originally designed
to be viewed as anaglyphic art
which is the unique method of Yael Avi-Yonah.
For more information

Press Anaglypic Art

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For prices for originals, artist-enhanced giclees
 and prints/posters to be shipped in Israel
or not yet listed in the shopping cart
please contact

Email address:

The manager of Yael's estate is interested
in contacting a serious collector
who would be willing and able
to promote her original paintings
in museums and galleries
Mailing address:
107 Alorzorov Street
Tzfat (Safed) Israel 1322480
Telephone in Israel:
  mobile: 052-662-7620

USA telephone: 1-720-477-6433   

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Copyrighted (c) Yael Avi-Yonah 2001-12. All rights reserved.