The Art of Yael Avi-Yonah - Menu

(press on one of the underlined phrases below) 

Yael Avi-Yonah, OBM, returned her precious soul
to her Maker on 

Chet Mar-heshvan (October 24th 2012).
Below is a link
 to some photos and short tv interview
which may illuminate in a small measure 
her greatness as an artist and a very spiritual woman.

Remembering Yael, OBM

Cosmic Orbs 2009-11

Hologramic Energies - 2005-9

Visions of  the Future City

The Black Hole

Jewish Symbols

The Four Angels : Michael, Gavriel, Uriel and Raphael

The Four Worlds: Emanation, Creation, Formation and Action

Prophetic Visions : Voyage After Death, Jerusalem as a Utopia,
The Trees of Death and Life

Jerusalem Landscapes

Posters and Serigraphs

Bible Images

Anaglyphic Art

Anaglyphic Portraits

Selected Portraits

Portraits of the Rebbe


TV interview with Yael Avi-Yonah
with Hebrew subtitles
Exhibition in Jerusalem - November & December 2011

Most of the artwork in this site is available
as moderately priced prints and giclees,
please inquire:

The manager of Yael's estate is interested
in contacting a serious collector
who would be willing and able to promote
her original paintings in museums and galleries

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You or anyone you know

are invited to Dov's studio/gallery at

107 Alorzorov Street
Tzfat (Safed) Israel 1322480
Telephone in Israel:
  mobile: 052-662-7620


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