Re: An administrative note from the dance-tech moderator

mary-lou (
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 17:52:59 -1851

Scott Sutherland wrote:
Dear scott...I agree with most of what you have said accept this....
> 4) Extra-topical or inappropriate material. This is the tough one, and
> there's no denying that it will require a judgement call. I intend to be
> pretty liberal-minded about most things, but I intend to keep the subject
> matter of the list reasonably close to dance technology. I don't intend to
> stifle topical debate (even when it gets heated), but people who want to
> debate other weighty matters like politics will have to do it on another
> list.

I have enjoyed the political and topical nature of most of the debate
that occurs on this list.
The nature of Dance and Technology and funding is ALL very political.
The nature of ART is political. We should not be taking it personally!!
Censorship is very dangerous and negative it certainly goes against the
nature of the Internet and the Arts?
> None of us like censorship, and I particularly do not like being labeled a
> censor, but as the moderator of this list I feel an obligation to keep it
> topical and useful.

Well if it wasn't topical and useful, why in the last two days have I
received 14 emails from this list? I think funding is an important
debate thses days, and especially relevant to the subject of Dance and

I hope I have the support of the list for this move,
> but as always, I would like to hear from you.
well... I think in all of this we must not take things so personally,
although it is often hard, being human. People have a right to express
veiws openly... I hope your decision doesn't destroy the exciting nature
of this list... I for one have enjoyed the comments of many active
participants, you are all doing so many exciting and sometimes
controversial things.... what is art without "pushing the boundaries"
and being controversial occasionally. Well I think it is boring!
Any way I really like this list.... so I'm disappointed
Mary-Lou Michael