Shifting Fion I eased through the entrance, then bent to lift her across my shoulder. I made my way down the stones to the sand and lowered her before Vryyh who dropped to her knees touching Fion gently yet deferring to Pennbaston who was already consulting her medsens as she knelt. 
        I turned away. I moved away, closer to the entrance, and closed my eyes endeavoring to merge with the lines enough to sense them through the moaning and shuddering loosed in my mind.
        Pennbaston joined me. "It's blast shock. She will be all right. They're taking her to Vryyh's tent. I'll see to her fully. But you, rider?" Her medsens was on me. She frowned.
        "I'm going back in."
        "Is the Progenitor alive?"
        "I did not see her."
        Pennbaston lowered her medsens and focused on me. "What are you going to do?"
        "I must attempt to settle the lines."
        "The explosion?"
        I nodded. "There is an imbalance in there, a disturbance of force. And now there is also outrage. Something needs to be righted. I shall attempt to do what is needed."
        "What can I do to help you?"
        "Keep everyone out."