Top view. I've highlighted the casket lid in pink in each view to orient you. This is an orthogonal working view so you see the grid as flat background. The two colored lines are center lines of two of the three axes of the 3D world; green = y, peach = x; where they join is the center of the world, point 0,0,0. Move in one direction along an axis and you're in the positive direction; move the other way and you're going negative.

Bridge corridor top The camera at the top wasn't used for any of the corridor shots you've seen so far. It's at the point where the corridor branches off from the central Exchange. The camera below it pointing left is the corridor camera used and the third camera near the center took the casket and niche.


Front view:

Bridge corridor front


From the right side:

Bridge corridor right

A perspective view of the Bridge complex, in edit mode.