Whatever the power source, energy is dispersed throughout the comm unit on every level through nodes, gates, and guides.
Schematics of power dispersal patterns from plasticine hooks.
Plasticine models allow for free form power channeling, including morphing on the fly, and so are favored by many assemblers specializing in power systems.
Lines = energy flow. Guides may be conduits composed of conducting and insulating materials or may be field lines which channel flows inside their bounds.
Circles = exchange and augmentation nodes.
Squares = relay stations analyzing input from sensors and chronometers.
Now you're entering a place assemblers call home but rarely seen by most citizens.
Break open any subelement and you will find a number of interconnected nodules which resemble the parent element.
Break open a nodule and you will see, with the aid of a grade 2 lens, layers of tiny basic units. Here I've removed all but the lowest layer so you can see the basic units and the grid of guides which connect them and also provides communication between nodules and to their subelement's main exchange node.
This sample is from a metallic hook comm unit so the guides are metallic composites as are many of the basic units.
A side view with the guides removed shows you how the tiny basics are arrayed in discrete levels which are connected only by the grid.
View from another side with guides restored. These guides conduit ions for communication and empowering energy.
Basic units are switching nodes, power augmentation stations, communication exchanges, thermal sensors, gyros, regulators, capacitors, transceivers, and reserves.
If you broke open 1 of these sealed basic units you'd see tiers of the familiar channels marked by gates and throats and switching nodes.
And miniscule cantilevers for assessing shifts in temperature, velocity, direction, pressure.
Oscillating crystals suspended in their tensile nets precisely measuring time.
Encapsulated liquids, tight coils, embedded storage rods, busy bacteria, diamondite-generated pulses for teaming and beaming photons.
Sensors and chronometers monitor power needs and flow, sending and receiving information constantly as they uphold functional quality.