Price for a cover

Nid (
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 07:24:12 -0400

Dear artists:

Thanks to my page Art on the Net I have been approached by a journal
to do a cover.
They cannot "pay much" but hey have asked me to pick the price. This
is the first time that I would be doing a cover so I am asking any of
you with experience in this about your idea of a a reasonable price. I
do not go too high nor too low nor loose the opportunity.

- They want the reproduction rights, so I keep the copyright
- It will be in color
- The piece is not yet done
- They will place a small bio, maybe a reference to the Art on the Net
_-I do not know how many issues they print, but will ask soon.

At least, I have to give a number by Friday, when I leave on vacations
until December 3rd, during which period I will not be able to read my

Hope you can help!
