NCIT's GuestBook

Thanks for visiting our site. Please sign our guestbook below. We love receiving comments from our guests who visit us here on the NCIT web site. We appreciate your thoughts and input.



By which way did you come to find our site?


How would you rate our site?
Awesome  Great  Just Ok  It Needs Work! None

What would you like to see added or changed on our site?

Please share any other comments in the message below:

If we had a "Guest Email List", would you like us to add you to it so that you could receive info about our site and services from time to time?
 Yes   No

Thanks for filling out and signing our Guestbook.

Northern California International Teleport, Inc.
2311 Lincoln Avenue
Hayward, CA 94545
Tel: 510.782.9301 Fax: 510.782.9401