AJW / Shadow Co. Virtual Studio World Links

Image Archives and Other Web Goodies of interest to the New Media Artist and Explorer... The Digital Image Archive on the 17th Floor: A public photo archive...
NASA JPEG Archive: NASA's own goodies online and ready for the taking...
RUNE: The MIT publication of Digital Imaging and related disciplines...
Pixel Pushers Gallery: A source of inspiration, featuring the masters of the new media...
WWW VLibrary Graphics Page: A nice resource for the image-oriented...
Apple Computer: My favorite guys, always good to have on your hotlist...
Adobe Systems: The gurus and intellects of the new movement, paving the way for our creations...
ANIMA: A fantastic resource for information on the new media...
Multimedia Resource Index: Another tasty resource, a page of necessary links...
Venice Anime and Manga: An FTP site of Japanese cartoons and animation...
InterNIC InfoGuide: Very cool, very useful, check it out...
Nexor's InfoMac Catalogue: A fabulous mirror, provides some fantastic graphic shareware...
Computer Graphics Directory: Useful links to all sorts of CGI sites...
ArtSource: Check this one out! A nice site for fine arts info and research...
the Magazine Rack: Noteworthy and not always wholesome comics and more on the net...
OTIS: Cool and innovatve approaches to imaging, the new media, and the Net...
CyberSight: A cool way to get around and much, much more...
the Mother of all BBS: A useful collection of links to innumerable sites of interest...
SF TeleCircus: Brilliant experiments in the new media, though not to everyone's taste...
JRR Tolkien: A brilliant man, a dreamer, and an inspiration to many...
Hong Kong Film: An interesting resource on a subject I've always found stimulating...
the Central Intelligence Agency: Although their methods ain't so savory, still a fantastic resource...