
A prototype is a vehicle to get you to a certian vantage point where you can get a better look at the problem.

There are so many different ways that something can be done, it can be hard to think about, without a particular implementation to serve as a reference point, an anchor, a standard against which other solutions may be compared.

There are good ways of doing things, and there are bad ways of doing things, and our job is to find the good ways of doing things, not to make the bad ways of doing things good.

What we are doing is modeling some basic underlying process. Implementation (programming) is the modeling of a problem solving process, in a particular media (language). We make these models to exploit certian properties of that underlying process. A model can exhibit some the properties of the processes it represents, even if it's not a complete or accurate model.

But the underlying process has properties of its own that our model may or may not manifest, that we may not know about, that we may not have planned for, that we may have to discover, by studying an actual implementation, and filling in the holes. Whether those properties are good or bad is a judgment for us to make. There may be some holes we don't want to fill in, and some that we can't.

The goals we set for processes and the uses to which we put them do not necessarily determine all the properties of those processes. We have a problem we want to solve, and we go about trying to find a natural process we can exploit that will solve that problem. There may be other things that process can do besides solving our problem.

One approach I use to writing programs is to make some input files for the program to process, before writing the program. It gives me a concrete goal: write a program that can process these input files.

Case in point: Emacs. It was originally intended as a text editor. Now it's more than a desert topping, more than a floor wax, it's a way of life. One person even named their dog Emacs!

Case in point: O(n log n) solution to the traveling marketroid problem. No, I don't know one, but if I did, you'd want me to tell you. So why would a computer scientist want to make a marketroid's life any easier? Because he feels -- in fact he could *prove* (assuming he was awake in class that day) -- that if he could solve the traveling marketroid problem, he could solve a whole class of other hard problems.

One problem can be reduced to others. If the tools you use to solve a particular problem are sufficiently general, then some reductions can be trivial.

Case in point: Unix utilities. Classic spell checker example. The "tr" utility used to implement rot13; properties of rot13 (reversable transformation).